You aren't hijacking at all! It is a legitimate gift to get to hear what this makes you think. I appreciate your church story so much, because I don't think we talk about that wrinkle in community enough-- sometimes the very strength that can help a community be valuable to its original members can actually be a weakness when new folks c…
You aren't hijacking at all! It is a legitimate gift to get to hear what this makes you think. I appreciate your church story so much, because I don't think we talk about that wrinkle in community enough-- sometimes the very strength that can help a community be valuable to its original members can actually be a weakness when new folks come in (particularly if that strength was an insularity and a very direct, immediate means of care).
As for your "and lastly" paragraph is exactly why (with no judgment towards people who orient towards anger for conservatives), I don't feel that same anger myself... when I see folks caught up in a very small politics that leaves them less loving and with less expansive circles, I can't feel anything but immense sorrow for them. That's no way to live!
You aren't hijacking at all! It is a legitimate gift to get to hear what this makes you think. I appreciate your church story so much, because I don't think we talk about that wrinkle in community enough-- sometimes the very strength that can help a community be valuable to its original members can actually be a weakness when new folks come in (particularly if that strength was an insularity and a very direct, immediate means of care).
As for your "and lastly" paragraph is exactly why (with no judgment towards people who orient towards anger for conservatives), I don't feel that same anger myself... when I see folks caught up in a very small politics that leaves them less loving and with less expansive circles, I can't feel anything but immense sorrow for them. That's no way to live!