As I was reading this, gently scrolling along, I came across the first picture of J.D. Vance and said to myself, "That is like the widest man-spread I have ever seen." And then I scrolled further, saw Garrett's line, "Friends, I regret to inform you that J.D. Vance is still sitting like that" and guffawed.
Yeah, I just don't get it why hating other people is supposed to be a salve for loneliness.
Again. I'm sorry/you're welcome (?) for not one but two of those pictures lol. And yeah, isn't it so obvious when you put it like that? The pathway to loneliness is not to cut yourself off from more people by being a jerk!
In the early aughts punk circles, we called those DSA types (as well as the crust punks who made a habit of making their travels affordable by going town to town and wooing a responsible, rent-paying woman with a comfortable bed) manarchists. They were (are) the worst, because they should know better.
Such a perfect term for such an unfortunately ubiquitous Type of Dude! And that's the thing-- it's even more painful in spaces that people from marginalized backgrounds flock to for a respite from the nonsense.
It's misdirection to prevent men from looking at who is actually holding them back and limiting their choices. Feeling powerless to get ahead? That's because those with the least agency in society have too much. Male insecurity is a feature not a bug. JD Vance et al don't want men to feel less insecure, that would render them obsolete and expose who is actually doing the oppressing.
I've been contemplating what sign to make for this Saturday's "you're most unwelcome here for a family ski vacation" gathering, and perhaps "MANSPREADER" should be a contender??
As I was reading this, gently scrolling along, I came across the first picture of J.D. Vance and said to myself, "That is like the widest man-spread I have ever seen." And then I scrolled further, saw Garrett's line, "Friends, I regret to inform you that J.D. Vance is still sitting like that" and guffawed.
Yeah, I just don't get it why hating other people is supposed to be a salve for loneliness.
Again. I'm sorry/you're welcome (?) for not one but two of those pictures lol. And yeah, isn't it so obvious when you put it like that? The pathway to loneliness is not to cut yourself off from more people by being a jerk!
Vance is the President of the He-Man Woman-Haters Club, and he's not allowing women into the treehouse!
Couldn't have said it better myself, Karen!
In the early aughts punk circles, we called those DSA types (as well as the crust punks who made a habit of making their travels affordable by going town to town and wooing a responsible, rent-paying woman with a comfortable bed) manarchists. They were (are) the worst, because they should know better.
This is such a useful term!
Such a perfect term for such an unfortunately ubiquitous Type of Dude! And that's the thing-- it's even more painful in spaces that people from marginalized backgrounds flock to for a respite from the nonsense.
"We have been 'what-about-the-boys' ing our ways toward Bethlehem" is so specific to me as a reader that I almost feel attacked.
I like to think that Didion is delighted somewhere--I certainly am.
You're welcome (both you Lane and you, ghost of Joan somewhere out there)!
It's misdirection to prevent men from looking at who is actually holding them back and limiting their choices. Feeling powerless to get ahead? That's because those with the least agency in society have too much. Male insecurity is a feature not a bug. JD Vance et al don't want men to feel less insecure, that would render them obsolete and expose who is actually doing the oppressing.
Really well put.
I've been contemplating what sign to make for this Saturday's "you're most unwelcome here for a family ski vacation" gathering, and perhaps "MANSPREADER" should be a contender??
OMG Yes.